When I first moved into Shifra I was really nervous. I felt lost, unwanted, and unimportant. I didn’t like not having my own place. Before moving in, I lived with roommates and had the freedom to do what I wanted. I didn’t want to be at Shifra but my family was not able to help me and my only other option was living where I was with people who stole my food and a house that was never clean. My roommates fought, did drugs, stole from me and even left dishes in the couch. So obviously I wasn’t going to stay there with my son on the way. I knew that I would never have another opportunity to have a better start at life if I didn’t move. So I packed all my stuff and said goodbye. When I got into Shifra, I unpacked and slept. Nancy had bought me new blankets, pjs, and a pillow. I crawled into that little bed in the basement and felt peace. You see the other part I didn’t mention, was that I had been sleeping on a couch for a month and a half. I was already 5 months pregnant. There are schedules at Shifra, and classes, people to talk to. But I wouldn’t open up. I barely talked. By day three I broke down and cried because the fridge was full of food and you never had to ask to eat. The wakeup call at 10 helps me to this day with routine. It’s very important to have one. The prenatal classes made me feel part of something bigger and gave me friends outside of Shifra. Trust me you will make friends. I found my voice, my confidence, and love. There is always someone there for you. There is always help. There is always home. That’s what Shifra became for me. I saved enough to pay most my bills. I have plans to go back to school and I have new sisters. I have some days living on my own now where I miss them. And when that Monday comes and I get to see them, because I still go visit, it’s hard to leave. Don’t fight them like I did. Don’t resist the urge. Shifra is a magical place that can and will provide you with everything you need. All you have to do is ask. Nancy and Amy will always be there for you. They become your Mama Bears. They teach you things in ways that allow you to learn on your own. They will push you to be the best mother you can be. Honestly without Shifra I would not have found myself again. I would not have my own place, or the new sisters I have. I truly hope that anyone who reads this just knows this: I was an addict, my family wouldn’t talk with me and I had huge debt. Now, I’m clean almost two years, I have a home, I’m healthy, and basically debt free. My family talks to me again and I feel loved. So to everyone I ever met at Shifra, thank you. Thank you for a second chance at life.
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